Mathura, a very important religious city of Uttar
Pradesh, is the epicenter of Brajbhoomi, the land of Lord Krishna. It is
located at a distance of 145 km south-east of Delhi and 58 km north-west
of Agra. An ancient city...
Haridwar located in the foothills of the Shivalik,
represents the point where the Ganga reaches the plains. It is famous
for being blessed by trinity of Lord Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. The name
Haridwar (Hardwar) has been derived...
Among the vast number of temple architecture of
India, the Khajuraho complex remains unique. One thousand years ago,
this astonishing complex was built under the generous and artistic
patronage of the Chandela Rajput kings of Central India.
The 15-day-long tour takes you to visit some of the
most widely known temples and religious sites in northern India. Apart
from temple sightseeing, the tour packages also takes you to Nepal for
more tourist attractions and adventure.
For adventure freaks and nature lovers, the tour
packages come as a wonderful opportunity. Get closer to nature, explore
its various facets and also be ready to indulge yourself in popular
adventure sports like trekking, river rafting, rock climbing, camping